Managing your own film production is a huge achievement, but it is also tons of work. Aside from all of the basics you learn about filmmaking and business, there's still tons more to know. One thing that you'll have to deal with is conflict. Dealing with a conflict in a film production will arise especially with a larger crew. Your actors will need to relax and be comfortable before performing. Going into a film production company with a positive attitude and knowing how to manage stress will help keep tension low.
Usually, the film director is in charge of keeping a peaceful environment together. Here are some tips to help you manage your own film production company and help with others.
- Give a motivational pep talk
- Before everyone starts to get into a frenzy of shooting, let everyone know how valuable they are. Give gratitude to everyone there and make sure everything is calm before starting.
- No one else is going to be able to read your mind, so stay as clear and direct as possible when giving instructions. Remain respectful but still show assertiveness when speaking. Send emails and reminders before meetings and shoots to keep everyone on the same page. A great way of communicating is to create a group on Facebook or using Google Groups, to keep everyone on the same page.
- The biggest value to a filmmaker is time. Don't waste time on petty things that can be addressed later. Prioritize the most important things that need to be completed at that time.
- Always remain cool, calm, and collected. Although you may feel comfortable with the crew and actors, but everyone will be keeping a close eye on how well you manage the set. You don't want anyone telling any prospective teammates that you're difficult to work with. (Joel, 2011)
- Everyone's role is very important. From the PA to the lead actor, everyone should apart of the team. When people feel they belong to a team they are more likely to value their position. Let everyone know how their role depends on others and vice versa. This will decrease the risk of people not showing up at the last minute.
Joel. (2011, January 15). [Web log message]. Retrieved from
Filmmaking tips