About four years ago the very successful 'The Dark Knight' was released and made over $1billion dollars in the box office. Everyone's favorite character, The Joker, took the film by storm and received high ratings. The effects were incredible and the music gave the film its edge. Now, the batman saga is back at it again with 'The Dark Knight Rises'. It stars the previous cast from Batman Begins and The Dark Knight, while adding Anne Hathaway and Tom Hardy. The villain for this film is 'Bane' who fights in a brutal way and has a mission to destroy Gotham City. A new Catwoman is even being added (Anne Hathaway). (Schedeen, 2011) The estimated budget for the film is approximately $250 million dollars. The latest news on the film is the prologue in the movie and how it's hard to understand what Bane is truly saying. Many people have questioned if there will be new audio or something to be done to decipher what is actually being said. Many rumors have been circulating stating that Christopher Nolan will be producing a new audio for the film, but the director clearly stated that wasn't going to happen and the film shall remain how it is. An IMAX projectionist posted denials from Warner Bros. about the status of a new audio mix stating there will be improvement and changes to be made to the audio. After all of the parodies of Christian Bale's voice in 'The Dark Knight', changing the audio may be a safe choice for this new film. Much of the prospective audience is not looking forward to struggle through hearing what is being said throughout the movie, but Christopher Nolan has said that it will work and to just trust what he has put together. (Rich, 2012) I'm not as excited to see this film as I was to see 'The Dark Knight', but most Batman films never fail to entertain.
The film is set to release in July 20, 2012. What are your thoughts on this film? Are you excited to see it this summer?
visit www.darkknightrises.com to get more information on the film.
Rich, K. (2012, January 04). [Web log message]. Retrieved from http://www.cinemablend.com/new/Dark-Knight-Rises-Prologue-Definitely-Getting-Audio-28633.html
Schedeen, J. (2011, July 11). [Web log message]. Retrieved from movies.ign.com/articles/114/1145692p1.html