Effectively marketing your film is important for getting it out there. I have put together some effective tips and ways of marketing your film for getting the recognition you're seeking. A few things need to be determined before proceeding, please read the following information below.
Things to determine before getting your film out there:
- Genre ( What type of film is it that you're getting out there?)
- Demo/Psychographics (What kind of people do you want to watch your film? college students? men? women? creative people? etc.
- Feature or Short? Is it longer than 30-45 minutes?
- Effective websites that host video with most amount of viewers (Vimeo vs. YouTube)
- Create a website for your film
- Include the synopsis, what the film is about, actors, film clips, still images, and a way for fans to connect with you.
- Wix.com is a great flash website that has free options if you're on a budget!
- Social Media Marketing
- Facebook, Twitter, and other effective social networks are a great way to tell more about your film and get people aware of the movie you're working on.
- Create a Facebook fanpage that gives information on the film and builds a network for fans to like your film.
- Create a twitter for fans to connect with you or the creator of the film to gain feedback.
- Film Distribution
- YouTube and Vimeo are an easy and free option for posting your films online and sending out links to friends and people out there.
- Netflix is used by many people, but it is hard to get your film distributed to Netflix. You can send in your film via DVD and if they accept it they can stream it on their site. Having a distributor will boost your chances of getting your film on Netflix.
- Going with a film distributor can be very expensive, but to find a local one near you checkout PlanetIndie.com. My company, PyroDahlia, will be holding a film distribution service affordable for college students coming in Fall 2012.
- Viral Marketing
- Mobile Apps/ Flash Games, if you're really looking to boost your film and have the funds or skills to do so, create an app or have someone that you know that can do it create one for you. This is an excellent way to get people to know about your film, since apps is really big right now.
- Release a few of the best clips of the film on YouTube, word will get around about something fascinating and it leaves your audience thirsty for more. They will instantly become intrigued to know what comes after. This is why movie trailers are so effective.
- Email links to your film and have others share them as well.
Filmmaking tips