Filmmaker's Dream Blog

Did you just purchase After Effects, but can't get the same effect as the other videos you've seen on Youtube? Every person that uses After Effects should know about VideoCopilot.Net. There are so many tutorials to teach you how to get awesome visual effects to make your films really stand out while providing some high quality features. Some of the tutorials can be a little difficult and may take practice, but presets and test footage are provided to work along with the tutorial. There are packages you could purchase such as Action Essentials, Twitch, Optical Flares, and more. Those products can be purchased here: VideoCopilot Products Learn about chroma keying, 3D effects, visual graphics, 3D set extensions, and anything that takes special graphic FX.    
If you visit Video Copilot now, they are having a free stock footage appreciation day! Take advantage of this offer, you never know when you will need some extra footage you may not be able to get a hold of. If Sci-Fi and Action films are your thing bookmark this site today! The site is presented by Andrew Kramer and doesn't ask for any donations or charge for the valuable information he chooses to share, everything is open to the public as long as you have After Effects you can take full advantage of everything he has to offer. To get an example of what awesome videos you could make utilizing the tutorials from VideoCopilot check out the video below.
As you can see, it's pretty close to what you see in your box office or awesome music videos. Andrew Kramer is the compositor and visual effects editor for a few of those high quality box office films such as Super 8, Fringe(TV Series), Star Trek, Tin Can, and many other projects. It's safe to say he's a great person to take visual effects advice from.  
Follow Andrew on twitter to stay up to date on what he has to offer. Follow Andrew Kramer!

Kramer, A. (2011, October 13). [Web log message]. Retrieved from 


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