Every strong filmmaker has a distinct style that comes out in all of their films. When you watch their films they could all be on different stories, but something tells you who directed that film. How do you brand your own film? It could be the type of color correcting you do, or the angles you use, there are so many things that stand out as different to make your films say your name. Try not to perfect your films to mimic other filmmaker styles, but bring out your own style in your movies. The movies I've seen with a particular style that I like are SuckerPunch, Watchmen, 300. Although these are all different films, SuckerPunch, Watchmen, and 300 were done by the same producers of Cruel and Unusual Films. I admire the color, tone, visual effects, and editing styles Zach and Deborah Snyder ( Power Couple) incorporate in their films. I have my own style, but I still have a strong admiration for that particular production company's style. Here is a quick guide to branding your own film.
- Style: As mentioned above your shooting and editing style is key to making your films your own.
- Name: Every production company needs a name and creating one that is different, clever, and defines what you want everyone to see before seeing your film.
- Campaign: Promote Promote Promote! Don't just leave your films in your computer only for you and friends to look at. Promote your films and your production. Create a blog or website showcasing your style and your films for people to go straight to. Use Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Vimeo, and any other social networks that may open doors for you to share your films and passion with other people and network.
- Tagline: All marketers know that having a tagline with the title of your company is important. The more the audience sees and hears the message or title of your film production the more likely they will engage in it. Create a logo to go along with your company.
- Don't Isolate: Isolating yourself is something many artists do, because they are stuck in their own vision, but in actuality it is best to network as much as possible and learn from other filmmakers. Don't isolate yourself you may be cutting yourself off from valuable information and stunt your growth in the filmmaking industry.
- Unique: Last, but not least remain unique. You may ask, How do i stay unique? There's so many people!!! That's just it! There are so many people that all have different quirks about themselves. Find that one thing that you know contributes to what sets you apart from other people. If your films are similar in some shape or form to other filmmakers, don't become discouraged you may actually find more in common with that filmmaker than you think and you should network with them to learn more about their personalities and filmmaking techniques. You may just find something that you do different that you can emphasize in filming your own movies.
Safely naming your own production company
How to Brand Yourself Online
Protecting your Films
Please comment below on anything that you think adds to your own brand for a film.