John Carpenter's horror idol film, Halloween, has changed the genre of horror. Did you know it was an independent film? All the filmmakers were inexperienced and they were considered as kids that just wanted to make a movie. The score of the film was put together by one person and it is considered to be one of the top 5 most noticeable film scores ever. John Carpenter was barely out of film school and directing his first film. Little did he know it would become one of the most iconic horror films to exist. There was no blood or real gore shown in the film, which makes it more of a psychological thriller. John Carpenter mentioned how he would have liked to directed films in the 1940s. The budget for the film was around $300,000 which is incredibly low for a big production film to be put together. E.T. was considered a low budget film and the budget for it was around $10,000,000. The film was shot in 21 days. John asked his girlfriend to produce the film along with Irvin Yoblans. They all came together to put a fantastic story together. All of the actors were new and inexperienced, although the star, Jamie Lee Curtis brought along a legendary past. Her mother was the star of the film, Psycho. Halloween has changed so many films that incorporate masked men as horrific characters. This was posted to let you know that the most iconic films here today didn't have known actors or a big budget, but a story. Your film can make anything possible! Stay original and follow your dreams!
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